trauma healing

Emily's story - loss and grief transition

Navigating Life’s Transitions Part 3 Healing from Loss and Grief with Lomi Lomi

Continuing the Life’s Transitions series, after Rahel’s story of embracing motherhood and John’s story of healing after his divorce, today, I want to share with you Emily’s courageous journey, with her permission, of course. I hope it will serve as a beacon of hope for those navigating loss and grief.

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John's story - navigation through relationships transition

Navigating Life’s Transitions, Part 2 Breakup Healing with Lomi Lomi

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, and it’s during these moments of transition that we often find ourselves yearning for support and guidance. In the previous post, we explored Rachel’s journey of embracing motherhood with grace and resilience through the healing touch of Lomi Lomi.

This time I’d like to delve into another example of healing and transformation sharing with you John’s story. John’s experience serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the restorative power of Lomi Lomi in the face of relationship transitions and shows the shifts that can occur when we allow ourselves to fully embrace the process of healing and self-discovery.

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Releasing Trauma

Lomi Lomi – Holistic Therapy for Trauma Release

Hey there, resilient souls!  After a brief hiatus filled with the ebb and flow of holiday energy and my intense time with new clients—many of whom found their way to me through their psychotherapists—I’m back with a subject that’s close to my heart. Let’s embark on a journey of releasing the heavy burdens we’ve carried, sometimes for years, and delve into the profound healing power of Lomi Lomi combined with a somatic approach—as a powerful tool for trauma release.

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Deeply HEALING Power of Unconditionally accepting  Lomi Lomi Touch

In a world where the complexities of human experiences often leave deep wounds and scars, the need for healing and restoration has never been more profound. 

Lomi Lomi, a traditional Hawaiian healing art, offers a unique approach that goes beyond physical touch. Rooted in ancient wisdom and spiritual principles, this practice of bodywork provides a space of unconditional acceptance, fostering the healing of deep emotional and somatic wounds, such as rejection, conditional relationships, sexual and emotional abuse, lower self-esteem, and other often-experienced issues in our society. 

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Lomi Lomi blessing

Understanding Somatic Therapy: Unlocking the Wisdom of the Body

Somatic Therapy is a powerful, holistic approach to healing that recognizes the inseparable connection between the mind and body. Rooted in the belief that emotional and psychological experiences are stored within the body, this therapeutic method delves deep into the body’s wisdom to promote healing and transformation.

Understanding Somatic Therapy: Unlocking the Wisdom of the Body Read More »

the power of getnleness

When we think of transformation and personal development, we often imagine stepping outside our comfort zones and pushing ourselves to the limit. But there is another path that holds its own profound power: embracing gentleness and subtlety. Have you ever wondered how these gentle approaches can facilitate deep processes of transformation, nurturing growth in a compassionate and sustainable way?

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Joyful Embodiment: Healing Through Body Play

Play is an essential part of our lives and can be more effective than serious, tough work.

Body Play allows us to tap into our body’s wisdom, unleash our creativity, and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Through spontaneous and self-directed movements, we can release tension, process emotions, and connect with our authentic selves.

Body Play as therapy helps us reconnect with our bodies, benefiting those who have experienced trauma or emotional blockages. By engaging in playful and expressive movements, we can access self-awareness and inner resources. Movement becomes a catalyst for transformation and healing.

Joyful Embodiment: Healing Through Body Play Read More »

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